G1 | 90.00° | 03-21-27-45-51-69-75-93 | |
G2 | 90.00° | 06-18-30-42-54-66-78-90 | |
1 | 44.99° | 03-21-27-45-51-69-75-93 | Meet temporary center point |
2 | 46.70° | 06-18-30-42-54-66-78-90 | |
3 | 37.00° | 04-28-52-76 | Meet 1-2-3 |
A | 44.60° | 03-27-51-75 | Set girdle width |
B | 43.04° | 21-45-69-93 | Level girdle |
C | 41.57° | 06-30-54-78 | Finish leveling girdle |
41.38° | 18-42-66-90 | Finish leveling girdle | |
D | 25.50° | 12-36-60-84 | Meet C-C-girdle to start outer square |
E | 23.81° | 07-31-55-79 | Meet D-A-C to continue outer square |
F | 22.41° | 17-41-65-89 | Meet B-C-D to complete outer square |
G | 19.88° | 15-39-63-87 | Same meetpoint to cut corners of second square |
H | 14.99° | 09-33-57-81 | Meet G-E-D to complete second square |
I | 13.09° | 12-36-60-84 | Meet G-H-E-D and self at G-H to make third square |
T | 0.00° | Table | Cut table to meet I-I-G-H and complete inner square |